Munchkin HYP03 Daycare/Preschool Signup Page
Thank you for your interest in the Munchkin sampling and growth chart program. You will be one of the first daycares/preschools nationwide to try this prerelease of Munchkin’s new HYP03™ Diaper Rash Spray! Please fill out the information below to sign up your location to take part.
Program details:
This free program from Munchkin will be available in April 2023. It is intended for locations with children ages 0-3. Below is a summary of what your daycare/preschool location will receive:
Three full-sized HYP03™ Diaper Rash Spray samples to use at your location.
Growth charts and flyers with coupons to hand out to your parents.
Poster to hang in your location with product education and info for parents/staff.
As a participant, we ask that you use the samples in your location and share program information with parents. We also rely on your feedback to help bring you more programs that you and your parents love. So, your feedback will be much appreciated!
To sign up, fill out and submit the form below.
Name (First and Last Name)
Location Name
Location Shipping Address
Location City
Location State (Two-letter abbreviation)
Location Zip Code
Estimated number of children at facility
Age range of children at facility (i.e. 0-3)
Would you be willing/able to provide feedback (from your staff and parents) in regards to the program?
E-mail Address for program communications
Thank you for signing up. Please note program samples and materials are limited.
This signup page is hosted by ITK Collective. If you have questions about the program, please e-mail us at You can also visit our website at to find out more about our free in-school programming.